St Ailbe’s reopening
Good afternoon to everyone and I hope you had a safe and enjoyable summer, We have been very busy preparing for the return of our students.
The provisional school calendar can be access on this link
Documents relating to our Covid plan can be accessed here
Our canteen has had extensive work over the summer and we intend to move to cashless payment system with the use of fobs for students. Fobs can be colleced from the front office any day next week from either 10am-11am or 3pm-4pm at the front office. Please wait outside the front door and we will drop the fob out to you. If these times don’t suit students can be given their fobs on the first day back but they wont be able to set them up until they go home.
Information on fobs and how to register can be accessed here
For social distancing reasons students will get their food delivered to their base classroom at break where they will eat it before they go outside etc. . More detailed information on menu’s will be provided shortly.
School Cost/Book Rental
Unfortunately we will not be in a position to provide school books etc until the book rental/fee is paid. For payments options contact
Face Masks
Due to the recent Government announcement on the requirement for face masks where 2 metres is not possible, our students will be required to wear face masks when in class. We will not be able to provide masks to all students but we will have a stock of them which can be purchased for €3 each. This advice might change depending on government guidance.
We are awaiting advice for students with Asthma and similar conditions.
Base Classrooms
All class groups will have their own base classroom, however, they will need to go to other rooms for specialist subjects like Art and Metalwork. For option subjects we will attempt to keep year groups to certain areas of the school. Practical subject areas will have extra sanitizers and wipes available. see list of base classrooms below.
1A room 9, 1B room 10, 1C room 11,1D LCA room, 1E Room 8
2A room 13, 2B room 14, 2C room 16
3A room 2, 3B Room 3, 3C room 7
4A Will use Study and room 13, 4B study hall
5A Room 6, 5B room 5, 6A room 4, 6B an Caladh
We are working very hard to space out our lockers to help with social distancing. 5th and 6th years lockers will be outside rooms 4, 5 and 6. TY lockers will be in the back of the study hall. Class 3C will have their lockers in rooms 3. All junior classes will get extra time each day to go to their lockers and the toilets to avoid crowding. We request that students are careful to only bring the books they need to school and try to minimise locker use.
Some information on extra locker/toilet breaks for students click on this link
Split Lunches
3rd years and upwards will take their lunch period 6 and first and second years will take their lunch period 7. We will also let the first years go to lunch 5 minutes early to help to avoid queues. Food will be eaten in their base class rooms. We will also open up the PE hall and the Astra turf pitches to help with social distancing.
for more information on lunches
St Ailbe’s school opens every morning at 08:00. Supervision commences at 08:30 and the first class begins at 8:50. It is recommended that students are in school for 08:40.
We will have sanitizers at all entrances and several other areas around the school. We will have sanitizers for all class rooms and the use of wipes etc. for computer rooms. This will be continually risk-assessed and reviewed every week.
Hot Water
We are in the process of upgrading our hot water system which will provide a good supply of hot water to all students. Like all schools, the number of toilets will be a challenge for us. We will also open up the toilets in the PE hall for one year group. We will continue to have separate toilets for senior and junior students.
We intend to put ventilation systems in several rooms to reduce any stale air circulating.
Student Covid-19 Induction
The Principal and the Deputy Principal will go through the rules and expectations of all students during their first day back. We want everyone to be able to enjoy school, however, we will have high expectations of students in this regard.
Personal Responsibility
We understand that many parents and students might be anxious regarding the return to school. However, we would request that everyone be patient and work with us during this very challenging time. It is also vital that all students take personal responsibility and made good, safe choices, which will of course include social distancing and hand washing.
We are committed to the reopening of our school in a safe and sustainable way, whilst being fully aware of the need to ensure that our school remains a positive and warm environment in which our students will continue to thrive and flourish.