Parents Council

The St. Ailbe’s parents Council operates in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the 1998 Education Act. It operates as an autonomous body within the broader school framework. It has its own Constitution (currently under review and reformation), and conducts its business in a spirit of goodwill and partnership with its Education Partners. Its chief function, like any executive body, is to run the affairs of the wider Parents’ Association in the school between AGMs. It seeks to represent the parents in dealings with the Education Partners. It acts as a communication conduit between the general parent body and the Education Partners. it also strives to ensure that its members children who attend St. Ailbes have the best possible facilities.


The Parents Council interacts continually with the general body of parents in both formal and informal ways. It is fully and acutely aware of the concerns of parents on a very wide range of issues. However, it is also aware of the boundaries imposed on it by various agreements with the Education Partners and the 1998 Education Act.


In general, the Parents Council has little direct interaction with the Board of Management. However, it has two members on the Board who act as disseminators of information in both directions. As parents we have the closest possible interaction with every member of the student body. Formally there is a liaison system between the Parents Council and the Student Council.

St. Ailbe’s Parents’ Council Members 2023-24

Ms. R. Kiely Chairperson

Ms. M. Cummins

Ms. A. Bouke

Ms. G. Redfern Ryan

Ms. S. Kenny

Ms. N. O’Dwyer


St. Ailbe’s Parents’ Council Members 2017-2023

Ms. M. Cummins Chairperson
Ms A. Nash
Ms. G. Redfern Ryan
Ms. S. O Dwyer
Ms. A. Bouke
Ms. J. Ryan